Welcome to the world of Galaxy Dust

More than play & earn environment NFT game

Introducing Blockchain 2.0

Unleashing the Future of Digital Assets! Discover our state-of-the-art GD token exchange and NFT trading platform, powered by cutting-edge smart contracts. Join the revolution and embrace a world of secure, efficient, and limitless possibilities. Explore now!

Introducing GalaxyDust Website 3.0

Elevate your gaming experience with our enhanced platform featuring a revamped marketplace and enriched UI. Dive in and explore the future of gaming!

Radically new concept of a gameplay where everything you own you actually own

Because is a new concept of a game and a gameplay where everything you own you actually own it inside and outside of the game servers with multiblockchain autenthication NFT technologies to back your digital assets up.

200 Millions+

ingame resources spent


hours played


types of assets


Minted nfts

Defenses in GalaxyDust refer to specialized defensive mechanisms that players can deploy on their planets and bases to protect against potential attacks. These mechanisms are designed to deter adversaries and enhance the security of valuable resources and assets.

Explosion and Conquest

Metaverse Wars are going on constantly, and this is an important political aspect of Galaxy Dust game. There are going to be PVP + Esport pvp battles and events as well as PVE conquest and invasion events.


Creating, searching, upgrading, repairing, and battling with ships are key aspects of GalaxyDust economy. There are 8 rarities and more than eight types of ships: (Attack, Defense, Espionage, Mining, Transport, Colonization, Piracy, Recycling, etc)


Creating, searching, upgrading, repairing, and battling with ships are key aspects of GalaxyDust economy. There are 8 rarities and more than eight types of ships: (Attack, Defense, Espionage, Mining, Transport?

Create passive income inside GalaxyDust with outside assets

These are NFTs structures that produce materials passively and an employee can be chosen to manage the structure and create passive profits for the owner. The basic mining structures will produce around 8% of their original price in resources (metal or crystal).



Collected in explorations Can only be collected with Drill It will be used In the purchase of defenses, ships, blueprints, etc.


Collected in explorations Can only be collected with Chainsaw It will be used In the purchase of defenses, ships, blueprints, etc.


Collected in explorations Can only be collected with Drill It will be used In the purchase of defenses, ships, blueprints, etc.

  • Drill

Additionally, there are different types of items that can be attached to your ships to increase different stats.


80000 stars

Solar systems

Mini planets

Universal Cartographics is a mega corporation focused on mapping the universe, galaxy map, system map, and planetary map. It applies scan data that can be used at any station with a Universal Cartographics contact, which in turn increases Commanders' Scout rank. There are different types of planets, depending on the type, where you get more or less materials per exploration.

Planet could become yours

Focus on the gaming mechanics where the players can make profits for playing

All you need for the standard explorations is to own at least one ship and some GDs to start this part of your adventure. There are infinite rewards hidden deep in the Galaxy.

Never was so fun to play!

These are NFTs structures that produce materials passively and an employee can be chosen to manage the structure and create passive profits for the owner. The basic mining structures will produce around 8% of their original price in resources (metal or crystal).

No Ponzi schemes like most NFT games

These are NFTs structures that produce materials passively and an employee can be chosen to manage the structure and create passive profits for the owner. The basic mining structures will produce around 8% of their original price in resources (metal or crystal).

We guarantee


This is our in-game token, which is always 1:1 with USD. Thus allowing nothing to be affected by the trade. And we will ensure everyone's liquidity.


Multichain technology allows us to access the game from several decentralized networks with the aim of facilitating access to the player.


They will decide the future aspects of our metaverse, voting on political changes, economic endeavors, and even the game's content design.

GalaxyDust Economy

Our economy is real and sustainable because it is not defined by the price of a token or by a network blockchain.

GD Token

This is our in-game token, which is always 1:1 with USD. Thus allowing nothing to be affected by the trade. And we will ensure everyone's liquidity.


Multichain technology allows us to access the game from several decentralized networks with the aim of facilitating access to the player.


They will decide the future aspects of our metaverse, voting on political changes, economic endeavors, and even the game's content design.









Jose Gomez

Top Beta Player

an exciting, addictive, strategic game in constant evolution. to be in the top players it is not enough to have the best assets, you have to play, play and play again with strategy of course there are several types of competitions to satisfy all types of players the game token: stable coin, p2p economy, goodbye ponzi games what am I looking forward to? that there are thousands to explore, fight, colonize, mine and much more in this great game that is Galaxydust

Gabriela Herrera

Content Creator

As a player, Galaxydust offers me multiple options to grow, form alliances, and develop professions, provoking a feeling of belonging and camaraderie.The Assets system on which it is based adds a customization element, the possibility of obtaining valuable collectibles, which can be useful for this and other future game modes. In my opinion, Galaxydust offers everything you expect from a game and more!


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  • How can I contact Galaxydust?

    We provide email support for all of our users. When you fill out our Support form, you'll be asked to provide

  • What is Galaxydust?

    We provide email support for all of our users. When you fill out our Support form, you'll be asked to provide

  • How do I delete an NFT?

    We provide email support for all of our users. When you fill out our Support form, you'll be asked to provide

  • Will ERC-1155 NFTs appear in my wallet?

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Galaxy Dust NFT - Que se viene en...

Galaxy Dust NFT - Que se viene en...

Galaxy Dust NFT - Que se viene en...

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